It’s already rainy season in Kyoto but it’s been good for a week ! Very nice for walking but it’s very hot in PM. Kyoto isn’t a big city, population is just 1.5 million.So nice city for a walk or ride a bicycle but be careful summer time is very very hot and humidity is high ! Drink water and take salt from time to time when you are out-side.
If you go to the drug stores or convenience stores, you can see many kind of candies (can be 100 JPY to 300 JPY) . Some contains (Vitamin C) or (Salt). Many people (specially people who work out-side) prefer candy with (Salt) ! Self-defence from (Heatstroke).
We also have Konbu (Kelp) or Ume (Plam) products to easily eat when you are working in the office or any places ! They also contains (Salt) , so they’d help you a lot in summer time !
My idea is (Enjoy walking) in the early morning time ! (from 5:30 or 6:00), Kyoto city is still very quiet and very very easy to walk, and still not too hot ! That’s the best time !
I normally wake up at 4:45, actually my cat (Mao) wake me up this time (sun rise time) for her food. After feeding (Mao), I go for a morning walk ! And in my walking, I sometimes stop for my breakfast where some cafe (I like self-service Cafe which is cheap & easy) in Kyoto.
Today I just pop in this cafe in front of (Kyoto Station), called Cafe (Veloce) and I got a hot coffee (M size) 231 JPY, cheap ! But what I don’t like in Japan is about (Sales tax) !! If you eat in the shop +10%, if you take it away +8% !! What do you think ??? Why not 10% for all ??? Anyway something I can’t change, I just stop thinking about it ! Waste of time !
To keep fit, to keep healthy is not too difficult unless you do exercise everyday. Let’s keep it !